Tuesday, May 29

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

So blog friends, my real life friends don't want me to cut my hair so I turn to you for outside advice. I have been growing my hair for about a year and had planned on continuing until it was to the middle of my back (which is my normal length). I have been really wanting to cut all of my hair off for a while but I am always discouraged, especially by my long-hair-loving boyfriend. So, as my loyal readers know, I now work at a hair salon and have unlimited access to colors, cuts, anything hair!
First, here is a picture of me now...

Normal, brown hair. I do get a lot of compliments because it is so thick but its relatively plain.
Now, a picture of my first thought for a little something different... Ombre! 

Like this look at it is something that would require little upkeep and also, I wouldn't have to cut my hair. Like the funky vibe to it to match MY funky vibe!
Option 3, the most daring and the most poorly received option.

I love love love this cut! It is so precious and I can just see my big, chunky earrings going so well with it! Its pretty and feminine and still modern and edgy.

Gimme your thoughts people! I need advice! (Actually I just need someone to tell me to go short because that's really what I want.) But please be honest! I do NOT want to come out of this looking like a fool! 

Thanks friends!
Love and Happy Blogging, 


  1. If you feel like you're ready to cut your hair, I say go for it! But don't cut it that short unless you *really* want it that short, or unless your hair grows really fast. I cut mine and donated it at the beginning of February and it's already about 2 inches longer! I like that first 'option' picture, but just go for something that makes you feel comfortable :)

  2. All that matters is that YOU like your hair cut!! If you want to do it then I say go for it. You know I'm not much of a risk taker, but I will live through you!!! :)

  3. My own view (speaking as the owner of a Y-chromosome) is that your hair looks great now, or would look great with option one. I should disclose that I do have a bias towards long hair though. That said, option 3 is kind of cute and isn't that (ahem) ill-advisedly short haircut you sometimes see. My instinct is that you could get away with it and that your guy would develop a taste for it in short order, especially if it makes you happy.
