Tuesday, February 14

Our Love Story

Found this link up after following a new blog and I thought it would be a fun way to end Valentine's Day!

1. How long have you and your significant other been together? 3 wonderful years 

2. How did you meet? His cousin was my best friend in high school. She took me to a University of Georgia football game and that is where I first met Gil. A couple of years later he and I took joint enrollment classes together (college courses while in high school) and since he didn't know anyone I sat by him and that is how we became friends! (I copied his homework... Shhh...)

3. Is this the guy you want to marry? Absolutely! Can't imagine my life without him! We are 2 peas in a pod!

4. Where would you like to get married? Big or small wedding? There is an arboretum in Milledgeville, Ga where we are from that has a beautiful mansion on the property. It's got that old southern/antebellum charm. I don't necessarily want a big or small wedding, few bridal party members, plenty of guests!

5. Do you have any nicknames that you call one another? Yes, and those are for our ears (and texts only). NOT dirty, just silly and embarrassing.

6. Name 3 things you love most about your honey. a.) He is honestly the most kind person I have ever met. b.) His most important concern is my happiness c.) He can always make me laugh!

7. What is your ideal proposal? Anything that involves Gil on one knee with a ring. And maybe something like a hot air balloon, or I dunno... Italy. You know, the norm.

8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for Valentine's Day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals? Um, he is a dinner and a movie kind of guy. Sooo.... ?

9. Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or a pop in a movie and relax on the couch? I would say both. I would love romantic beach dinners but I love snuggling up eating homemade cookies and watching a good chick flick or comedy with Gil too.

10. Tell us one thing you'd like to do with your significant other one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere? Mostly what I look forward to with Gil is spending every day with him. Doing the normal things together. I know that sounds like I am cheating but its truly what I want most.

11. Tell us what you plan on doing this Valentine's Day. Well today I had to work and Gil had to deliver flowers. We had a normal night but we will celebrate this weekend! In true Gil+Hannah fashion: Dinner and a movie! (P.S. I got flowers, a bear, and a balloon today!)

12. Are you asking for anything this Valentine's Day? I hope to get the last Twilight book, Breaking Dawn. He gave me Twilight and New Moon for Christmas and Eclipse for our anniversary (January 9) and now I have read them all!

13. Give us one piece of advice to keep your relationship strong and full of love. Communicate. Cliche I know, but it is absolutely true. We talk about how we feel rather than holding it in and allowing it to build up and cause anger and resentment. Without that, you have nothing.

14. Show us a picture of what love means to you. 


  1. Awww so precious! I'm so jealous of y'all. I wanna be in love! :)

  2. Hi there, landed on your blog from the "our love story" link-up, which was a while I know! Although I didn't participate I still loved reading everyone's love story ;)

    beautiful story, and I do believe communication is key!

    Followed you on GFC - Come check out my blog and follow me if you like it too, thanks!
