Monday, February 13

Confessions of a Saveaholic

Alright girls, I know you have all seen Confessions of a Shopaholic! Super cute movie, love Isla Fisher, etc, etc. But heres my story: I am a saveaholic. Even when I can spend money, I don't. I can talk myself out of any purchase. IT. IS. A. PROBLEM.

Confession of a Saveaholic # 1: I will wear an item all day at work before I decide to buy it and 9 times out of 10, I don't.

Confession # 2: I am not only a Saveaholic but also a Maxxanista. The last time I purchased an item at TJ Maxx was before Christmas and I carried it around with me for atleast 45 minutes trying to decide if I wanted to buy it or not. It was a coffee mug. And a gift. $3.99 people, and it took me that long to commit.

# 3: At work we have the cutest Lilly Pulitzer coolers. I thought about getting one all day Friday. (And having it monogrammed, DUH!) I left work without making a decision thinking "if I really want it and it is still here next week, I'll buy it". I thought about it the whole way home and have continued thinking about it this weekend. I would be willing to bet that I convince myself that I can find another that I like almost as much that costs far less and will let all of the little pretties slip right through my fingers.

Please girls, help me to see the error of my ways. Convince me that I do need all of the pretty things I see and that saving money isn't all its cracked up to be!

Happy Blogging Friends!


  1. haha, you sound like my sister :). She's frugal to the point of almost being too frugal. I'm all about saving money too, but you've got to allow yourself a little wiggle room! Look for great deals and give yourself the "okay" to buy items that you really love.

  2. Just buy it. Goodness gracious. I'm buying a duffle tomor ad it will be way more expensive so it should make you feel better! :)
