Sunday, February 26

Sunday Morning Coming Down

I don't know if you guys have heard of the song Sunday Morning Coming Down... Its an old country song and it's a little sad but I thought of it as I decided to blog about my weekend.

I'm sure you have noticed I have been pretty slack on my blogging lately, but I promise I have a good reason! I have been pretty sick since Thursday... I'm not exactly sure what happened or why it happened now but I have some health issues that have been at bay for quite a while now. So, as I have had to deal with this many times before, I am not too surprised. I am sharing this with you... Well, I am not sure why, but I suppose so that you can understand the girl behind the blog a little better.

I have been counting calories lately so I decided not to stop since I have began feeling ill and to put a little perspective on things, I had plenty of calories on Thursday (too many actually!). On Friday I had a normal morning and afternoon then by dinner the only thing I could convince myself to eat was vanilla wafers (weird, I know) so the calorie count for Friday was 1,030. Yesterday, I only had 650. The reason I am so unable to eat is because I have severe nausea which I have been battling for nearly 8 years. More recently I have found out that I have another illness other than GI that may be related. It is called POTS. It has to do with blood flow, blood pressure, and heart rate. That's about it in a nutshell. It causes me exhaustion, headaches, dizziness, nausea, lightheadedness, and occasionally fainting. Scary. So with all of that, the last thing I feel like doing is eating.

It takes a good amount of effort to do much of anything when I feel this way so, if my blogs become fewer and farther between, I promise I will be back as soon as I can! And I will continue to read yours and comment! Don't give up on me!

Love and Happy Blogging,


  1. Hannah, I will keep you in my good thoughts. I can totally understand not feeling well, as I have a lot of these same symptoms as you. In fact, I am going to look up POTS and see what that's all about. I'm so sorry you are going through this. I totally know that it's no fun and can be quite a downer. :( Thinking of you!

  2. Please get better soon! I need my walking buddy back asap! I can't have you getting sick because we are trying to get healthy! But seriously, feel better and obvs you know I am here if you need anything! :)
