So, I was eating very healthy for about 2 months. I mean, low fat, low calorie, more protein, less carbs. But due to an illness I have I became unable to eat hardly anything and got dependent on bland foods and ended up living on animal crackers and Nilla Wafers. Since then I have slowly become able to eat again and let me tell you, it is NOT a healthy diet! So I am trying to get back on track! I've begun counting calories again and trying to eat less fat and sugars. I started back on Sunday and did well until yesterday. I went out to lunch with a good friend which I mentioned in my last post and got a salad. Had I used the dressing, it would have been a 1,115 calorie salad! That is CRAZY! Thank goodness I did not use salad dressing but it was still a whopping 715 cals. (Lesson of the day: salads are not always healthy!) Then, my sweet sweet boyfriend went to get something sweet from the grocery store and I asked him to look for sugar free chocolate candy. He couldn't find any so he came home with M&Ms (bless his little heart). Well, of course I couldn't NOT eat them! So, needless to say with the salad and candy, I was at about 1,600 calories for the day. That is not okay. I am trying to stay around 1,200 or less. So, in conclusion to this little post... KEEP ME ACCOUNTABLE please my sweet followers! I need motivation, support, and feedback or I am afraid I'll give up. And if you are starting a new healthy lifestyle please let me know and I will follow you back and we can support one another!
Love, Happy Blogging, and Healthy Eating,
I'll keep ya accountable!! Really, I will. And I found that posting on my blog about my goals really helped keep me accountable with running so this should definitely help you :)