So, I am back again... Fell off the wagon. Life got crazy there for a few weeks. Too much to do, too little time. I'm sure you all know how it is, am I right!? Well, update is... I have been working a lot more lately for graduation and Mother's Day (and for that, I am very thankful) and have been going out a few times and spending as much time acting like a 22 year old as possible!
Also, I think I mentioned this last time... I am looking for a second job. I applied to the MAC cosmetics counter and have not heard back. I'm too nervous to call and ask about my application so I am needing a major confidence boost! Since then, I have applied to Starbucks (you know, since I LOVE COFFEE) and Stage One as a receptionist. Stage One is a local hair salon and I am hoping that if I get the job I will get a feel of what doing hair would be like... And maybe learn a few things in the process! I was pretty excited when I left my resume because they did say they were looking for someone so I am keeping my fingers crossed! But they would have to be willing to work with my current job. There is no way I could leave Monograms and More. They have become like my little family over the last few months and I can't imagine not working there! So, I know it may be a lot to ask but I know I can find someone who will respect that.
Also, my sweet sweet friend over at
Little Miss One Big Mess GRADUATED Saturday so of course that was an exciting time! We had a little party for her and it was so much fun! Loved just hanging out, eating good food, and spending time with good people! So so happy to have been a part of that!
On a less exciting note, Sunday night my stepdad noticed that one of my tires on my car was nearly worn all the way out. Cue: major freak out. I have about $140 to my name and I need all 4 tires. Now, I am no mathematician but 4 tires at a hundred bucks a pop does not get paid for with $140. Our boss' birthday fell on the same week as graduation and with 2 of my co-workers graduating, there was no time to plan anything for her. Combine the tires and the dinner, gift, cake, and card for my boss and this girl is having water works.
But we love her like a mother so of course we couldn't let her birthday go by without a little celebration! Last night we took her to dinner, had a cookie cake, and gave her a gift and silly card and (again) I enjoyed the good food and good people!
P.S. Connie is not pictured (OOPS) but these are some of the very sweet girls I work with! |
Today, I finally got to spend some time with my BFF! She owed me a lunch for doing her makeup for her birthday so obvs I took her up on that! Broke Girl Rule #1: Never pass up a free meal.
So, here I am tonight... Finally able to blog. Coffee on one side, boyfriend on the other. Feeling both blessed and stressed.
Love and Happy Blogging,