Tuesday, February 7

Tuesday TV

Tuesdays are always my favorite days for vegging out in front of the television. Here's how it must be done: Lights out, coffee by my side, zebra Snuggie in place (don't judge), and laptop well, in my lap!

First up, Glee. I love Will Schuester, Sue Sylvester, Emma Pillsbury, Coach Beast and each and every member of the glee club. Sue's antics, sarcasm, dry sense of humor, and pure anger make for very funny Tuesday evenings. Will and Emma's love for one another always makes me smile and Coach Beast reminds me each week to "not judge a book by its cover". Rachel used to be too much for me to handle but you can't deny, the girl's got chops! Although the music doesn't have the same passion as the original songs I am always looking forward how the McKinley High Glee Club can rock it out!

Second, my girl: the New Girl, JESS! Love Jess and all the shenanigans she and her roomies get into! Her cute, quirky style is something I admire and yes, I know she is a fictional character, but her constant optimism is refreshing. Always excited for the next episode! Also, I firmly believe that Jess and Nick will fall in love! AH! Fingers crossed!

Recently Gil and I have started watching Big Bang Theory. We both LOVE Sheldon, Leonard, Penny, Howard, Amy, Raj, and of course Bernadette! Sheldon makes me laugh nearly every time he speaks. Bazinga might be my new favorite catch phrase... Ever. So thankful for reruns on TBS because I don't know how we could wait an entire week to witness the awkwardness that is The Big Bang Theory. Oh, and Leonard + Penny forever!

Ah, lastly... The light of my life, the butter to my bread, the peas to my carrots: Teen Mom 2. I am (maybe too) deeply invested in these girl's stories. I am sad when Leah's sweet baby girl has to go to the doctor. I was happy to see that Leah and Corey made it but I now realize that they were just too young. Poor Chelsea has to deal with Adam and all of his selfishness but she did get the most precious girl out of it! Thankful that she has such supportive parents! So glad to see that Kailyn is being civil with Joe and hoping it will last. That would be so much better for their little boy. Oh goodness... Now Jenelle. I truly hope that she can get her life straightened out and be a mother to Jace. I always feel so sad when he has to hear Jenelle yell with her mother. That is no life for a baby. Always hoping for the best for these girls and their children.

Well, enjoy your Tuesday evening veg session readers and fill me in on any awesome shows I might be missing!

Happy Blogging,


  1. We are twin T.V. watchers. Your schedule mirrors mine! I'm slightly obsessed with Teen Mom. It's a bit embarrassing. Oh well! We watch The Big Bang Theory non stop. Tomorrow night we are going to a costume and my husband is going to be Leonard and I'm going to be Bernadette. Love that show!

    1. Ah! Too cute! Hope you post pics of that! And tonight its Jersey Shore. Now THAT'S something to be embarrassed about!
