Wednesday, February 29

Pinteresting Wednesday: Wedding Edition

Hey there ladies! Whether you're married, engaged, engaged to be engaged, or single I hope you will enjoy this weeks edition of Pinteresting Wednesday! I have an insanely huge "I DO" board on Pinterest but I am only sharing the pins that are truly unique and special. Linking up with Michelle at The Vintage Apple so definitely check out her super cute blog and follow me if you aren't yet! (Oops, and I being pushy? Sorries!)

First things first! The engagement ring! This one is beautiful but what makes it special is the wedding band. Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, "A CORD OF THREE STRANDS IS NOT QUICKLY BROKEN" 
So symbolic and beautiful!

This would be so beautiful on the Save the Dates or invitations as well as the programs.

Um, how amazing is this dress!? I don't think I want anything too typical or ballgown-ish so this lovely flowy dress is definitely in that category!

Precious "something blue" as a pedi!

This is something I have never seen before but I absolutely love it! Has a homey feeling when outdoors. So sweet! (Just every other, or every 3rd row. And I would decorate the tables slightly differently)

You know this girl has to have a monogram. 

Donations? Cute on the gift table for those who don't have time to shop for a gift!

Love this unique, quaint, simple, chic, (and a little country) wedding cake! 'P' please!

Lastly, a little wedding keepsake and something you could pass through the generations. A lovely reminder of the most important day of your life. Wedding shoe display. Imagine as they age... Beautiful.

Are any of you ladies planning a wedding? If so, please share! And as you may have noticed, I will NOT be your traditional bride! Hope you have enjoyed peeking into my Pinterest! Stay tuned for Thursday Thoughts tomorrow!

Happy Blogging and Happy Hump Day!


  1. I never thought of the blue pedi for "something blue" but that's super cute!! I also love the honeymoon fund jar. That's such a cute idea and I think it would prob bring in a good amount of money! I might consider it!

  2. I love the way those shoes are display. Such a perfect family heirloom!

  3. I loved every single item on here... Seriously.
    Totally your newest follower....

  4. Same question..where did u find the ring?

  5. Hi! I love the ring, where did you find it?
