Saturday, July 2

Lazy Lady

Has anyone noticed my affinity for alliteration? Must be the writer in me... Well, if you refer to my Busy Bee post you'll see that I had some big plans for the weekend. But that all changed. We learned on Thursday that our cooks and boat driver, along with the boat, would not be at the lake. I quickly decided that this was not the weekend I had hoped for and opted to spend it at my house by the pool. I gotta say, weekends with the house to myself are pretty sweet (I guess I haven't mentioned that I live at home with my parents). We have recently begun keeping a 3 year old boy, James, and a 4 year old girl, Nae, who are so precious but so loud and rambunctious! My parents will adopt these sweet babies soon and our lives will NEVER BE THE SAME! It is so crazy around here every day... Any chance I get to sleep in without hearing little feet running through the house & shrieks of happiness, or relax and drink my coffee without a small voice asking "What is that?" is very much welcomed. Also, my boyfriend and I haven't had too much time to ourselves lately so we are looking forward to that as well (all couples need that sometimes).

So, today I cant wait to get in my bikini, set up a sweet spot by the pool and just relax with Gil, iPod playing and sun shining! --Might break for a quick mani/pedi to prepare for the big dinner on the 4th and my birthday. Always thinking about my beauty regimen! (Is that a bad thing?)-- Lazy day, here I come!

Happy July 4th weekend all!


  1. Cute blog, Hannah! Im so glad you started one! It gets tough to keep up sometimes but I loveeee doing it! My advice would be to browse blogs and get ideas about what you like and comment on their blogs, that helps you get yours out there and you get more traffic on your blog! Im still working on this, so maybe we can learn together! I can't wait to read more!

  2. Thanks Ashley! I'm really having fun doing it but when I try to find blogs I'm interested in, I just get weird ones... Is there a way to search for ones that would be relevant to me? AND yours is so cute! You definitely have a flair for writing! (Maybe we did learn something at GMC)
