Sunday, March 18

Keep it Classy

Today while browsing Pinterest I noticed some really trendy looks. Sure, ombre hair was in last summer and funky tribal prints are totally cool but here is the thing... You should seriously consider balancing your trendy looks with something classic as to not look too bizarre. Knee high boots, tribal miniskirt, flowy top, ombre hair, chunky jewelry, and colorful Ray Bans may be cute separately but not all together. Now, ladies this is just my opinion but I am sure most of you will agree! What are some of your favorite trends? Oh, and more importantly what is your classic "go to" piece? For me, I am totally into hippie chic, but I try to balance with simple makeup and hair and a dark pair of jeans. Classic "go to" item: Wide leg black trousers. I pair them with everything!
This is the look that inspired this post... Thoughts?

Hope ya'll had a fab weekend and didn't commit any fashion faux pas!
Love and Happy Blogging,

Wednesday, March 14

Oh, How Pinteresting Wednesday: Misc.

Hello Lovelies! This beautiful weather (and the fact that I tanned in a turbo bed this afternoon) has me pretty chipper! Unfortunately I cant say that for the entire day... I have been putting off blogging to spend time with my sweet boyfriend, he has been feeling neglected lately since I have been walking on occasion with Ashley, going to the tanning bed, and reading The Hunger Games trilogy (book 3! what what!). However, now he is watching the Braves play so I have some time to do my thing!
Before I get started with Pintersting Wednesday I just have to ask ya'll something... Is there anything in particular that makes you feel like spring (or summer down here in Georgia) has really begun? For me it is something a little odd: First, and this part is normal, when I am able to open my sunroof and let down my windows. Second, when I feel like I need to listen to some good ol classic rock. This week I have been listening to Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers and they always remind me of summer. Windows down and music up always makes me long for days spent tanning on a dock at the lake!
Now on to the reason for this cute little link up! This week I decided not to have a theme but to just choose some of my favorites and share them with you! Enjoy!

This smoothie sounds AMAZING! From the previous Pinner: 1 1/2 cups diced pineapple, 1 banana, 1/2 cup Greek yogurt, 1 tbsp grated fresh ginger, 1/2 cup ice, & 1/2 cup pineapple juice. 

Funny and true.

I know this look is intensely hippie but I love it. If I could dress this way always, I think I would.
This bag is so cute and versatile! Would definitely use this for an everyday purse!

This bunny cake is just too sweet! Easter isn't too far away! Maybe I will feel a little crazy and attempt this cuteness?

What have you ladies been pinning this week? Link up with Michelle at The Vintage Apple and check out her pins while you're there! Happy Hump Day girls!

Love and Happy Blogging, 

Monday, March 12

Tag! You're It!

A new blog friend tagged me in this fun blog game that has been going around. It's super cute and I hope that ya'll learn something about me (and each other) that you didn't know before! So lets get right down to it!

The rules are:
1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have linked him or her.
6. No tag backs!

Step One:
  • I have a mild obsession with makeup.
  • I drink multiple cups of coffee in the morning AND at night.
  • I am currently invested in the Hunger Games trilogy and just finished Chasing Fire, the second book, last night.
  • I do not have a smart phone. I have a tiny Kin One with a zebra case and although an iPhone would be nice, I am pretty happy with my little phone. It is very me, I think!
  • I am going to 2 concerts in 2 months! Red Hot Chili Peppers in April and the Dave Matthews Band in May. I am so so so excited! Hoping for another good band to come to Atlanta closer to my birthday.
  • My birthday is July 6. I will be 23... Getting old.........
  •  I am constantly thinking of new fun ways to make money from my love of crafts but have yet to follow through with it. Check out my one and only completed craft blog, DIY Darling.
  • I have somewhere around 150 DVDs not including seasons of Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice. #ilovemovies
  • I am a neat freak.
  • My favorite dessert is fro-yo with fruit and I am SO excited that we are getting a frozen yogurt shop in downtown Milledgeville! Just in time for summer!
  • I have worked at Monograms & More for about 7 months and have yet to have anything monogrammed for myself.
Step Two: Questions from Heather
  1. What did you eat for breakfast? A Quaker Caramel Corn rice cake and lots of coffee!
  2. What's the scariest thing you've ever done? Moved away to go to school in Kennesaw, a place where I knew no one, far away from home and 2 hours from my boyfriend.
  3. Who do you most admire? Mother Teresa. Always working to better the lives of others and bring joy to those around her.
  4. If you won the lotto, what would you do? I would FINALLY get married! Get a house, help my family, and then donate to the less fortunate in our country. They seem to fall to the wayside when in the shadow of others suffering in Africa.
  5. What do you think first thing in the morning? 'I wonder if Gil is awake yet?'
  6. Mexican or Italian food? BOTH! Oh gosh, I love love love pasta but sometimes there is nothing better than some chips, salsa, and cheese dip and a good taco salad.
  7. Salty or sweet? Sweet all the way! Love me some ice cream and chocolate!
  8. Do you have any secrets nobody knows? No, my boyfriend knows everything about me. Sometimes I feel bad that I told him but at least he can truly understand me.
  9. What is your job and do you like it? I work at Monograms & More and I LOVE IT! Love all of the cute things we get in the store and also the fun customers who come in!
  10. If you could do anything, what would you do? Open my own bakery and design in with lots of funky cute do-dads and antiques.
  11. Have you ever fired a gun? Duh, I am a small town Georgia girl. It has been a while and it isnt really my thing but it has happened. And I have been hunting twice. Thank goodness nothing was shot either time. Poor Bambi's and Babe's...
Step Three: My Questions
  1. What is your favorite movie?
  2. Have you read any books lately and if so, what are they?
  3. Spring, summer, fall, or winter? 
  4. Sushi: love it or hate it?
  5. What is your favorite band/artist?
  6. Do you have any pets, what kind, and what are their names?
  7. Do you prefer coffee or tea?
  8. What is your dream job?
  9. If you had to describe yourself in one word, what would it be?
  10. What is your favorite animal?
  11. What are you most proud of?
TAG! You're it!

Rachel @ Bound 4 More
Michelle @ The Vintage Apple

Wednesday, March 7

Pinteresting Wednesday: Words

So, it's that time of the week! Linking up with Michelle for Oh, How Pinteresting Wednesday! You know how I love a theme so this week I have decided to share with you some of my favorite pins that are "words"... Quotes, jokes, etc. Enjoy!

The Help was such an amazing book and this part was so special. Each of us should remind ourselves of this from time to time...

We should also remind ourselves of this DAILY!

Procrastination is my middle name.

Little man in his denim diaper. "It's not you, it's me..."

Hahahaha! Crocs.


Coffee, my other love.

Well, there ya go! A few of my favorite "words" pins! Hope these made you smile! Happy Hump Day! Check out my Pinterest and also Michelle's blog The Vintage Apple!

Love and Happy Blogging, 

Saturday, March 3

Hey, It's OK...

In honor of getting the April edition of Glamour mag, I decided to do my own little version of "Hey, It's OK..." I love love love Glamour, and although I have been invested in other things (working, tanning, reading, Pinterest, etc.) and haven't been reading them as much, this morning I delved right into the fashion/beauty/advice world that is Glamour. So glad I did! Their 'It's OK's always make me laugh and generally I feel about the same... i.e. "... if you're actually kind of impressed with the way Snooki's pulled herself together lately." --Don't judge. Everyone deserves support when they are trying! Off my high horse now for a little bit of Hannah's Hey, It's Okay...

... if you swear that you're not going to spend any more money but just HAVE to have those bangles, scarf, earrings.

... if you look forward to Thursday night because of Jersey Shore.

... if you know how bad tanning beds are but are totally convinced that you're addicted.

... if you wear sandals in February just because your toes need a break.

... if you drink four cups of coffee a day.

... if you veg out on Friday night watching You've Got Mail and playing Words With Friends.

... if you bought a Kindle Fire and have yet to buy a book but have played plenty of games.

So ladies, what is OK with you this Saturday? Happy weekend, and stay safe with this terrible weather tearing through the country! P.S. Maybe I will learn how to make my own link up soon and ya'll can link up with me!

Love and Happy Blogging,